VA Premier Pawn is quickly becoming the Hampton Roads most trusted source to buy, sell, and pawn authentic luxury handbags including brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Goyard, and more. The shadowy business of counterfeits has taken over the globe to become a more than $500 billion industry. You deserve better. Our team is trained to use best practices combined with the latest AI technology to authenticate every item in our store. In celebration of National Handbag Day, we’re hosting a free authentication event.
Bring your luxury handbag by our store for a free certificate of authenticity, a $35 value (limit one per customer). Come and see for yourself why we are the area’s fastest-growing source to buy, sell, and pawn authentic luxury handbags. Nowhere else will you find the selection and quality of pre-owned luxury items with the option to layaway, trade up, pawn, or sell it back. We’ve got the designer items you want with payment options and pricing you will love!